Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Book + Evaluation

For the evaluation of this book I have come up with some questions for myself to answer-

*What do I think of the overall product?
Overall I am very happy with the book I have made, it has turned out how I wanted.

*What changes would I make?
In some of the pages I would change the layout of the photos.

*Am I happy with the photos?
Most of the photos I am very happy with and others I wish where higher quality and more clear lighter images.

*What adjustments would I make next time?
I would change the exposure of some of the images and also I would give my favourite images a page of their own.

*Are the colours what I expected?
Yes I am very pleased with the colours in this book.

*How long did it take the book to be made and is this what i expected?
To have the images set up the way I wanted, the book to be made and sent from America took approximately 4 weeks which is what I was expecting.

*Does my book fit the brief?
Yes I feel I have done what the brief asked and my book is going to fit in well in the boutique it is being displayed in.

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