Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Making my book..

To make my photo book I used a website called Blurb http://www.blurb.com/ the reason i used this program was because it was the easiest to use out of the ones I looked at and also gave me more options on the type of book and things I could do in the book, overall I was very happy with this website.
I ended up with a lot more than 100 photos that I liked and wanted to use but had to edit it down due to my budget. I ended up using just under 100 images and had them displayed differently on each page e.g on some I would have four on a page, on others two on a page and on some just one photo. Before putting my images in the book I put them through a program called Polaroin which converts your photos to polaroids for you. In my book the images are just under polaroid size which is 3.5 wide and 4.25 high. Most of the photos I used were in a series so put them together in the book and if images weren't in a series I put them next to photos with similar colour or meaning to make it work when they are seen next to each other.

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